Thursday 17 October 2024

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Wednesday 16 October 2024

Erskine Writers Meeting 15th October 2024

Sandra opened proceedings with a poem entitled 'Aunt Nellie'. Jeannie read her piece from her visit to Kelvingrove entitled 'Towers of Neglected Diseases without a Cure'. We then heard readings from today's syllabus topic where we had to draft the framework/synopsis, of our imagined prequel, or sequel, to a famous novel.

Rob's piece was 'In Memory of Mrs Lloyd' Billy Bunter meets the famous five. John M was a prequel  'The Seeds of Justice' from the book 'Death in La Venice' by Donna Leon. Irene also had a prequel to Aldous Huxley's 'A Brave New World' entitled 'The road to Creation'. Sandra had a sequel to Roald Dahl's 'Matilda'. Morag had a sequel to 'Life of Pi' by Yann Martell which was aimed at children. Joyce had a sequel to 'Gone with the Wind'. John H another sequel entitled 'The Pursuit of Red' from the book 'Rita Hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption' by Stephen King. Jeannie completed the submissions with 'To Kill a Mocking Bird' by Harper Lee where the story is seen through the eyes of Calpurnia the kitchen cook who plays an integral role in the lives and upbringing of Scout and Jim.

The afternoon continued with the results from from the submissions critiqued by Greenock Writers. There were 12 submissions and they awarded a first, second, third places and two commended.

Commended   My Golden Treasure  by Hilary

                        Scout’s Honour by Brian

3rd  place         Nobody’s Trophy by Jackie

2nd place         Killing Time by John S.

1st place          Betrayal by John H.

We heard three readings from John H, Sandra R and Rob.

Jeannie completed the session with a very in-depth piece based on the operation on her finger called 'Aliens'

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Erskine Writers Meeting 8th October 2024

Today's meeting we heard readings based on our visit to Kelvingrove Galleries last week. 

Hilary read her piece from the suspended heads entitled 'Heads. John H had poem entitled 'The Deserter' from the painting by William Kennedy. Morag had a short story 'Two Children Unfinished' based on the painting by Jean Eardley. Joan who was unable to attend the visit last week did a memoire entitled 'Kelvingrove' Sandra R based her piece on Salvador Dali. Irene who also couldn't make the visit did a very good piece on the history of the museum with the view to writing a story on information gathered. John M gave a very informative insight of the painting by Francesco Di Stefano. Jackie also delivered a very informative piece inspired by the paintings of Marianne Grant. Rob finished today's session with his piece entitled 'Specialis Filia Romanae Ecclesiae'

Another rich and informative afternoon from the group.

Erskine Writers Meeting 1st October 2024

 The group had an away day at Kelvingrove Galleries meeting firstly for the Organ recital then we went our separate ways to draw on inspiration from the artefacts and paintings for our writing. We then met for coffee, teas and cake to finish off an inspiring day. Everyone has been set the task to produce any type of writing for next weeks meeting.

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Erskine Writers Group 24th September 2024

 AGM was held today

1. Apologies were given for John S ,  Morag  and Joan
2. Minutes of AGM 2023 were approved by Sandra M, seconded by Brian.
3 Matters arising from previous meeting - None
4. President’s report read by Jeannie, approved by John H, seconded by Donnie
5. Secretary’s report read by John H. Approved by Lorna. Seconded by Rob
6. Treasurer’s report read by Donnie approved by Sandra R, seconded by Elizabeth
7. Proposed amendments to constitution accepted by all members present.
8. John H is resigning after 4 years in office as secretary. Rob has agreed to take over as secretary.
9. Guidelines for group was not discussed - to be addressed at later date.
10 Proposed Data Protection  Policy agreed by members. (Forms re information of individuals will be handed out and completed by each member of EWG)
11. Venue. Discussion took place re future venue for club to allow more members to join if appropriate larger premises at suitable cost are found. Ongoing research by subcommittee comprising of Rob, Irene,Lorna
12. AOCB - Visit to Kelvingrove Art Galleries arrangements finalised.

A) It was recorded that competition awards were given to 
      Brian, Jeannie (2) Hilary
      The Presidents cup was awarded jointly to Brian and Rob.

B) It was noted tat that two former members had died during the year- Jacklin Murray and Jack Hastie.

C) The fees will be increased to Fifty Pounds Sterling as from January 2025 to offset rising costs

D) EWG has 24 members. 

We had an incredible display of cakes supplied by Lorna which we tucked in to and thoroughly enjoyed. Even supplied with Doggy bag of leftovers. All in aid of MacMillan nurses! Thanks to Lorna’ we raised £155.


Erskine Writers Meeting 17th September 2024

 Our group was small in number this week with only eight group members in attendance, however this did not stop the creativity or fun.

Today's writing task was to work in pairs as a Radio DJ hosting a call-in on any subject wished talking to a caller who had phoned in and write a script to the group. The subjects chosen were varied ranging from 'Cuts in the winter fuel allowance' to 'Winning Competitions'. Some pairs even provided props.

It turned out to be a very entertaining afternoon, demonstrating the excellent range of skills of our group, we may see one or two of these scripts appearing in future competitions. There may be even some budding actors emerging! Well done to everyone for their hard work and enthusiasm.

The AGM will be held on the 24th of September, where we will support The Macmillan Coffee Afternoon and enjoy some home baking. 

Thursday 12 September 2024

Erskine Writers Meeting 10th September 2024

 Today’s meeting opened with a brief update regarding our search for a larger venue for our meetings. Options are still being explored.

Lorna put forward a proposal for a fundraiser to be held at our AGM on 24th September. She has kindly offered to bake some of her tasty treats for the group and all donations collected will be sent to Macmillan Cancer Support. 

Hilary kick-started our first writing exercise of the new term with her ‘Magic Box of Treats’. She placed numerous small boxes on the table and each member of the group was instructed  to select one. Each box contained a handful of trinkets which served as prompts for a story. An interesting and enjoyable afternoon was had by all, sharing the stories that evolved from everyone’s ‘box of tricks’. Thanks go to Hilary for providing us with a very thought- provoking lesson.