Monday, 25 November 2013

Visit from Kenneth Steven

We were very pleased to have Kenneth Steven as our guest on Tuesday, to talk to us about writing for children. He is a poet, novelist and children’s author, who is published in twelve countries.

Kenneth sometimes writes in a cabin in his mother’s garden which he describes as his quiet place where his creative juices are allowed to flow. All writers, he told us, should have such a place.

Children like simple stories, without too many characters, and the main character should be similar in age to the reader, he advised, and if you don’t have children, then write for your inner child.

Many of his children’s stories are in picture books which are made up of twelve pieces of action, accompanied by an illustration.
Kenneth has vast experience of reading and doing workshops with school children of all ages. It is obvious that he delights in engaging with children and adults, and I’m sure he will have inspired many future writers.

Erskine Writers certainly found him inspiring.
Kenneth will be adjudicating our children’s story competition.

Kate Gordon

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