Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Back to Basics and Article Winners

Over the past few weeks, we've been going back to basics at Erskine Writers and enjoying every minute. It's always a good idea, no matter where we are on the writing and publishing scale, to go over the basic requirements of producing good work.

I did a session on 'Show not Tell' - always something that causes problems at one time or another for most writers. After a couple of fun exercises for practical experience in turning a telling passage into one that shows the characters in action or dialogue, hopefully it made us think more about it!

Then, last week (a change to the schedule), Wilma did a workshop on proofreading our work and provided lots of practical exercises. As well as making us work hard, the session was also lots of fun - always the best way to learn and absorb. Now we just have to make sure we use all the information from both in our future writing!

Here are the winners of the recent Article Competition, which was judged by journalist Judith Duffy:

Winner                     Wilma Ferguson

2nd                           Joan Fleming

3rd                            Elizabeth Gillespie

Today and next week, it's a chance to read members' manuscripts.


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