Wednesday, 22 May 2013

End of Session and Garden Party

Last Tuesday saw the final formal meeting of Erskine Writers until the new session begins again in September. Joan Fleming did a splendid job of taking over the helm as acting President since the beginning of the year, after Joan Lougheed moved away to the other side of the Clyde. The group expressed its grateful thanks to Joan when Myra presented her with flowers on our behalf.
The new committee details and syllabus for 2013-2014 will be on the blog during the summer.

Yesterday, we enjoyed our annual garden party buffet lunch at Sandra’s lovely home. A great time was had by one and all and we soon made short work of the food and drink! The following are random photos on the patio, including the beautiful show of bluebells.


The recent schools story competition for the Albert Hammond Award has now been judged and the certificates and prizes will be presented to the students over the next few weeks. Hopefully, we’ll be able to include more details of that soon.
Have a lovely summer and please drop by the blog now and then for updates before September.

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