Monday, 2 September 2013

Writing Group New Session

After a good long break, Erskine Writers begins again tomorrow, Tuesday 3rd September, with an extraordinary business meeting to finalise a few outstanding details. It's all change on the committee, with three people alternating on the chair: Jack, Elizabeth and Kate, and a new secretary, Morag, and assistant secretary, Linda.

Hopefully we'll get the new syllabus up on the blog as soon as I have it. Meanwhile, I've updated the competitions page and will update members' news as and when I receive it.

At the end of last session, a few of us had a wonderful morning at St Benedict's School in Linwood where many of their students walked away with the main prizes from the Albert Hammond Award for a modern retelling of a fairy tale or legend. The quality was excellent and I'm sure several of the young people will soon be published authors.

So, it's back to serious writing now we're into September and hopefully lots of success for members.

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