Tuesday 26 September 2017

Bullying, History & Open Manuscripts. 26 Sep 2017.

It might not have been the greatest turnout of members, but the breadth of subjects covered, created very substantial debate.

On the exercise of teenage fiction and bullying (resulting from Cathy McSporran’s talk in March) everyone had an anecdote.

The poems or stories on History ranged from Anne Boleyn to Myths and Legends, Belgium Jews to a Cambridge Tour, Skara Brae to Table Tennis and then Genealogy plus DNA.

Topics for open manuscripts included ‘a poem that should never be said’ and ‘chocolate peppermint creams”. New member Diane Devlin read two of her poems which have been published on ezine (electronic magazine) called “I am not a silent poet.” https://iamnotasilentpoet.wordpress.com/tag/reuben-woolley

Postal member Billy Thompson (Alias Liam Paul) has sent greetings from South Korea, but is struggling to get access to our website. http://erskinewriters-uk.blogspot.co.uk

Joan Frondigoun warned us that she would appear on BBC Scottish TV tonight, basking in the reflected glory of her daughter.   Karen won a silver medal in the September Taekwondo World Championships in North Korea.

Recently returned member Jacklin Murray is looking for background material for her ongoing book. Does anyone out there have first hand experience of the day to day life of a Bookie or bookies runner in the 1990s?

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