Monday 11 September 2017

Rosemary Gemmell

Erskine writers were sorry to say goodbye to long established member, Rosemary Gemmell who has relocated to West Lothian with her husband, Simon.
Rosemary will be greatly missed not just for her input at group sessions and the work behind the scenes when she helped so many individual members over the years but also for for her sunny personality.
     From the time when I joined the group in 1993 Rosemary became a good friend, encouraging me to try different genres and to participate in the SAW conferences and competitions. Her enthusiasm was infectious and spurred many of us onto publication. Over the many years of her membership at Erskine Rosemary had countless successes with fiction and poetry and her skills with technology and marketing became very useful to several SAW groups
     We wish Rosemary and Simon well as they settle into their new home in Bathgate and hope that visits to the West will happen as often as possible.

 Sandra McGruther

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