Wednesday 24 January 2018

Flash Fiction / A man’s a man for ‘a that. 23 Jan 2018

Two subjects in one session this week - catching up from last week’s cancellation. Eight hardy souls (and sixteen wet soles) turned out in this week’s miserable weather.

There was further admin discussion relating to the forthcoming SAW conference.

Katherine was asked about any plans afoot to create an anthology of her memories of a childhood on the Isle of Sheppey.

Pete mentioned a proposed anthology of stories for the Age Concern Charity.

          Flash Fiction.
The idea of the Flash Fiction exercise was to create a 50 word piece and also a 150 word piece, both on the subject of  Festive Fun, but with probably different story lines. The purpose was to have practice in telling stories in a concise fashion.

It was perhaps fortunate that no one was challenged about the precise number of words used.

As usual there was a whole range of approaches and yet all concentrating on the theme of Christmas and the New Year.

A debate ensued on the continued existence of some and the demise of other, seasonal customs.

School Pantomimes and Oranges in the Christmas stocking. Boats on the Clyde sounding their horns at New Year. The Reverend Jolly and “Skittery Winters.”

The latter needed to be interpreted for several of us. “Skittery Winters” were the last people out of bed or into work on Hogmanay and derided accordingly. Selecting the last person into work in a modern multi storey office complex with many people working flex-time and some working from home, would be an administrative nightmare.

       A man’s a man for a’ that.
Some interpreted this Robert Burns poem, as a man winning through despite the poverty whilst others portrayed a man caving in to the pressure.

Kate gave us “A woman’s a lass for a’ that” presented in the form of poetry in Scots dialect.

We had a small amount of time left for some Open Manuscripts.

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