Wednesday 21 March 2018

AGM 20 March 2018.

We had an almost full attendance for the 2018 Annual General Meeting.

Following the Office Bearer’s reports which detailed another successful year for the Erskine Writer’s Group, the majority of existing office bearers were re-elected.

One notable exception was the appointment of Diana Devlin as general secretary thereby taking some of the workload from Hilary who has been doubling up as President/Secretary.

The new team is
            President  -  Hilary,                   Diana  -  Secretary, 
            Donnie -  Treasurer,                  Competitions – Kate,
            Blog – Pete,                               Syllabus – Hilary, Wilma, Diana & Pete.

Details were finalised in relation to the inclusion in the Erskine Writer’s Blog of a new heading of “Writer’s Notes.” Each month, members by rotation, will get chance to enter something of their choice. The first one, published this week, is Myra’s “A Writer’s Journey.” The content and format will evolve with time.

The majority of members present favoured retaining the current format for the Annual Dinner, but suggestions were made for a location more central than previous years at Houston.

There was a discussion regarding how to increase the amount of feedback that readers receive for their work at the group’s weekly meetings.

There are still some members who are not receiving the SAW monthly newsletter. There is also confusion regarding the circulated programme for this year’s SAW Annual Conference.

Next week:-
         Deadline for first chapter of Young Adult Story (AH*);
         Feedback from the Scottish Association of Writers Annual Conference at Cumbernauld;
         Syllabus Suggestions.

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