Thursday 17 May 2018

Talk to the hand. 15 May 2018.

For the last session of the season the topic was “Talk to the hand” (the face ain’t listening).
It is an obnoxious expression from the nineteen nineties often accompanied by the palm of a hand extended towards the speaker. Fortunately, it appears to be dropping out of use.

Members interpreted this awkward subject in several imaginative ways. 

Kate created a monologue rant to an unreceptive daughter who lived in that other world which teenagers inhabit. Diana’s poem took on a similar theme.

Margaret’s poem imagined a hand being the speaker’s sole audience.

Wilma reminisced of a near accident many years ago as a traffic policeman’s white gloved hand commanded her to stop.

Elizabeth ranted over someone trying to persuade her to take her most hated form of transport ie a bus.

Joyce wrote of ventriloquists of years gone by, literally talking to their glove puppets.

Pete’s piece was of a person who listened to everything, but absorbed nothing.

Hilary imagined a conversation in which one party used different hand gestures instead of words as a way of communicating.


Kathleen read two poems; one of springtime and one of the day when world records can no longer be beaten.

Joan Fr. wrote of a thoughts and make belief conversations with a sad lost friend Charles.

Diana’s poem was of two strangers discussing the very different reasons for them being in a psychiatrist’s waiting room.

Hilary read her article which had been submitted to the March 2018 SAW Conference. It described the wonders of a visit to Sky Tree communications tower building in Tokyo.


Following on from last week’s talk on editing, Joan Fl. circulated a sheet about the software package “Hemmingway App” which is used for analysing passages of writing.  

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