Thursday 13 September 2018

Sept 11th 2018 - Achilles Heel

Hilary welcomed fourteen existing members and one new member attended the first meeting of the season.

The subject for this week was “Achilles Heel” which produced stories and poetry relating to the actual, idiomatic and mythological origins of the weakness.

Diana’s Peanut Butter told of a chaotic joiner, a guitarist and an old aunt whose accident with broken glass mixed with peanut butter exposed the narrator to her fatal allergy.

Pete’s tale also involved an accident with broken glass where an exhausted actor attempted to remedy his problems of depression by swatting a fly which precipitated both the fly and the actor’s demise

Joan Fr. Produced a powerful poem, inspired by Homer’s stories of the warring Greek Gods and described Achilles fatal flaw.

Cathie gave us a family tale of an actual wounded Achilles Heel tendon and the embarrassing consequences brought about by using her foot as a substitute fork lift truck and bulldozer during furniture removal.

Morag read a poem with plot we all recognised. The perfectly planned and executed diet undermined by the powerful lure of a mars bar.

Kate. The true story of multi murderer Peter Manuel whose weakness in needing to show off about his crimes, led to his conviction and hanging in Glasgow in 1958

Elizabeth’s produced family story about the worry of a baby born with a foot defect. Fortunately, it was eventually completely rectified.

Hilary’s rich young girl with a pampered lifestyle came to an abrupt end when the family’s wealth came to an abrupt halt.

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Bob read from one of his Serina fantasy books of a blind girl’s unusual and controversial method ascertaining the sex of the unborn child of one of her relations.

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Next week’s workshop is Children’s Fiction 5-7 yrs presented by Paul Bristow.

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