Saturday 13 October 2018

Magi Gibson Poetry workshop 9th October 2019

Magi gave us a run down of how she got started in her career as a poet.

She had just returned from Inverness book event. Explaining how she had not brought any books for sale as she was waiting for a reprint of… ‘Washing Hugh MacDiarmid’s Socks.’ Our members were disappointed, not to have purchased it at the workshop.
However the book will be back in Waterstone's in Byres Road soon.
Our group was given a “Hand” to kick-start our poetry workshop.

Maggi asked for each person’s, favourite colour, animal, sound and favourite weather. Then finishing with your name and then… I am.

Poems were born, before our eyes. Surprizing the writer and the listener.

Magi explained how skills are transferable and therefore they can be used in any form of writing you enjoy.

She suggested we look of natural patterns in our work and expand truth with experience. With rhythm and flow. With occasional metaphors added. All these effects can be extremely useful to bring the emotion out in your poem. Like in other forms of writing show don’t tell. The poem had to be real at that moment for the reader or the listener.

Magi hoped she had encouraged the already active poets in our group as well as the flowering owns, who were yet to blossom.

She was looking forward to reading our poetry competition entries.
“Betty Munnoch Award” poetry competition. Theme… Smell

Deadline 30th November 2018

                Posted by Hilary Stevenson.

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