Wednesday 25 September 2024

Erskine Writers Group 24th September 2024

 AGM was held today

1. Apologies were given for John S ,  Morag  and Joan
2. Minutes of AGM 2023 were approved by Sandra M, seconded by Brian.
3 Matters arising from previous meeting - None
4. President’s report read by Jeannie, approved by John H, seconded by Donnie
5. Secretary’s report read by John H. Approved by Lorna. Seconded by Rob
6. Treasurer’s report read by Donnie approved by Sandra R, seconded by Elizabeth
7. Proposed amendments to constitution accepted by all members present.
8. John H is resigning after 4 years in office as secretary. Rob has agreed to take over as secretary.
9. Guidelines for group was not discussed - to be addressed at later date.
10 Proposed Data Protection  Policy agreed by members. (Forms re information of individuals will be handed out and completed by each member of EWG)
11. Venue. Discussion took place re future venue for club to allow more members to join if appropriate larger premises at suitable cost are found. Ongoing research by subcommittee comprising of Rob, Irene,Lorna
12. AOCB - Visit to Kelvingrove Art Galleries arrangements finalised.

A) It was recorded that competition awards were given to 
      Brian, Jeannie (2) Hilary
      The Presidents cup was awarded jointly to Brian and Rob.

B) It was noted tat that two former members had died during the year- Jacklin Murray and Jack Hastie.

C) The fees will be increased to Fifty Pounds Sterling as from January 2025 to offset rising costs

D) EWG has 24 members. 

We had an incredible display of cakes supplied by Lorna which we tucked in to and thoroughly enjoyed. Even supplied with Doggy bag of leftovers. All in aid of MacMillan nurses! Thanks to Lorna’ we raised £155.


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