Wednesday 14 February 2018

Flour Power. 13 Feb 2018

Today's topic was "Flour Power"; a play on the nineteen sixties “Flower power” phenomenon. As usual we all explored it in different ways.

Diana went for a poem which spoke of the way children can both, enjoy, explore and learn through simple cooking; whilst Pete tried a slapstick flour-spilling romance.

Joan Fr told of a Malteser-thieving frustrated potato scone maker and Elizabeth relived the grandparents’ doubtful pleasure of clearing up after the toddlers unsupervised dough making disaster.

Kate warned of the power and stubbornness of flour mites when they come to visit. Hilary became poetic about the texture of dough and the tactile and emotional feelings experienced whilst mixing and manipulating it.


Kathleen departed from her usual role and gave us a murder mystery, Pete had a rant about boy road racers and Joan Fr read a story with an embedded poem as a tribute to a departed best friend.

Similarly, Diana had produced a poem dedicated to a friend who was loved by all around her.

Hilary told us of a lyrical but doomed romantic evening involving a Casanova young taxi driver and his much older eventual passenger. She enjoyed the banter, but just wanted to get home and slip her feet into something more comfortable.

It had been a full and interesting session up to this point; unfortunately, Pete committed the cardinal sin of reading a repeat piece. He had forgotten that we had already heard it only a few weeks previously. Appropriately, it was entitled "My Memory".

Pete was late getting home; he had also forgotten where he had parked his car.

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