Tuesday 20 February 2018

Music to my ears. Part 1. 20 Feb 2018.

The first part of “Music to my ears” was for Wilma to randomly hand out the lyrics of two songs to each member. 
A 1000-1200 word story based on one of the sets of lyrics, to be created for 6th March.

Musically themed pieces were then read by several members. 
Diana used a school music class featuring ‘Peter and the Wolf’ as the subject of her poem. 
Pete remembered an old time Radio programme classic, ‘Sing Something Simple’. 
Kate recounted tales of her various dog’s favourite songs. Hilary explained a lifetime of musical endurance.

There were also readings on non-musical themes.

Kathleen described the ancient and picturesque town of Hersbruck in Bavaria, which she has often visited to see family members.

Diana’s poetry described a young girls longing for high heels which was rewarded by ‘sensible shoes’.

Sandra invited us to the 22nd March launch of her fifteenth Lorimer book, ‘Only the dead can tell’.(6-30pm at Glasgow’s Waterstones)

This book includes a ‘bonus story’ which Sandra read to us. This explains what first attracted Lorimer into the world of policing and crime.

Billy (aka Liam) has returned to the Erskine Writers from a year of teaching English in South Korea.
He explained the contrasting prices of food, power and travel. The spoke of the extremes of weather, the street politics; also, among many other aspects of Korean life, their enthusiasm for cosmetic surgery.

These few lines are merely the headlines of a world away from western headlines.

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